May Chapter Meeting of the Holy Rosary Lay Dominicans
Post date: May 19, 2017 1:37:10 PM
Greetings everyone!
At our chapter meeting on Saturday May 20th, we will be continuing our study of the Dialogue of Saint Catherine of Sienna. You can find a digital copy of this work, here: Please read the first half of the second Treatise, entitled "A Treatise of Discretion." Read through the 22nd section, entitled "Of the four principal torments of the damned, from which follow all the others; and particularly of the foulness of the Devil."
Candidates will be continuing their study on Unit 6 of Candidacy II, "The Church of the Modern World." Initiates will be reading Unit 1 of the Initiate Program, entitled "Introduction." Candidates and Initiates will be meeting on 8:15 AM. If anyone needs a ride, please contact me by email or call 612-217-4493. If anyone needs a ride, don’t hesitate to ask!
Please note that while I will continue to send out formation updates and one week reminders, I will also be posting our various formation programs here:
For our remote participants, please use the link below to join us. Remote participants should be able to join us for Initiate Formation at 8:15 AM as well as the regular meeting at 9AM. If you have any troubles getting Skype to work, feel free to give me a call (612) 217-4493.
In Christ,
Joey Odell, O.P.
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