November Meeting of the Holy Rosary Dominican Laity

Post date: Nov 14, 2017 1:24:12 AM

At our chapter meeting on November 18th, we will be continuing our study of the Dialogue of Saint Catherine of Sienna. You can find a digital copy of this work, here: Please read the second half of the second Treatise, entitled "A Treatise on Obedience." For those who are interested, here's a link to a website that has audio recordings of the Dialogue: Additionally, here's a commentary on the Dialogue by Benedict Ashley, O.P.'s%20Dialogue.pdf


Candidates will be continuing their study on Unit 6 of Candidacy II, "The Church of the Modern World." Initiates will be reading Unit 5: Community

As a reminder, Naomi Hard is Hebdom and Joey Odell is bringing treats.

Chapter Business includes:

-revisiting the Central Province annual meeting with Jeanne

-choosing the next chapter study

-updating our Initiate & Candidate formation process

During the month of November, the Church and the Order remember our beloved dead. We remember especially Brother Kevin, Ed McDermott, and the spouse of friend of the chapter, Vern Wolfe. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Candidates and Initiates will be meeting on 8:15 AM. If anyone needs a ride, please contact me by email or call 612-217-4493. If anyone needs a ride, don’t hesitate to ask!